François-Xavier Chevallerau bio picture

François-Xavier Chevallerau hosted by Nate Hagens & Joan Diamond

Based on the newly released paper, The Age of Energy Disruptions by François-Xavier Chevallerau.

Book cover of Planetary Health

Sam Myers and Howard Frumkin hosted by Michael Lerner

Planetary Health: Protecting Nature to Protect Ourselves.

Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson hosted by Michael Lerner

Author Kim Stanley Robinson discusses his latest book, “Ministry for the Future”.

Richard Heinberg

Richard Heinberg hosted by Michael Lerner

Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival


Paul Ehrlich, Joan Diamond, Gerardo Ceballos, Nate Hagens, Bill Rees hosted by Michael Lerner

Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future.

Gary Kendall bio photo

Gary Kendall hosted by Michael Lerner

Systemic Risks and the Four Dilemmas of our Time

Bio picture of Shanna Swan

Shanna H. Shwan and Pete Myers hosted by Shorey Myers

Chemicals, Declining Fertility and the Polycrisis.

David Korowicz

David Korowicz hosted by Michael Lerner

Dr. David Korowicz, a physicist and human systems ecologist, discusses anticipatory preparedness and resilience.

Michael Webbr

Michael Webber hosted by Shorey Myers

What Happens in Texas Won’t Stay in Texas webinar with Michael Webber

Ashok Kholsa

Ashok Khosla hosted by Michael Lerner

Education, empowerment, employment and economics: tools for building a promising future.