Sunset bird

The Resilience Roundtable hosted by Christina Conklin

Round table discussion with Joan Diamond, Steve Heilig, Samantha Suppiah, Ed Saltzberg, and Jason Groves hosted by Christina Conklin

Raj Patel bio picture

Raj Patel hosted by Shorey Myers

The World That Food Made

Nate Hagens

Nate Hagens hosted by Michael Lerner

Navigating a Path Between Fantasy and Doom – A Top-Down Overview

ripples in water

Grass Roots Community Organizers Discuss the Global Challenges

OMEGA webinar with grassroots community organizers

Isabel Castillo, Ebony Guy, Duane Edwards and Russel Chisholm will be in conversation with Shorey Myers

Co-hosted by Virginia Organizing, Foresight Analysis Nexus (FAN), The Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere (MAHB), and The Resilience Project (TRP)

While the Global Challenges faced by OMEGA are wide-ranging, the impacts are concretely felt by communities on the front lines. Three grassroots organizers working on issues including racism, climate change, and extractive industries share their views on the Global Challenges, the impacts felt by communities, and the intersectional work needed to accelerate our transition to a just, sustainable and resilient world.

Miguel Altieri hosted by Michael Lerner

Farming and eating during times of COVID19

Rise of Neo-Feudalism

The Rise of Neo-Feudalism

In this article, Robert Kuttner and Katherine V. Stone delineate how “the private capture of entire legal systems by corporate America goes far beyond neoliberalism. It evokes the private fiefdoms of the Middle Ages.”

Sunita Narain

Sunita Narain hosted by Michael Lerner

Covid-19: Learning from the crisis and re-imagining he future for environmental and climate challenges

Thomas Homer Dixon

Thomas Homer Dixon hosted by Michael Lerner

Thomas Homer Dixon addresses the Upside of Down, his forthcoming book Commanding Hope, and the Cascade Institute.


The Cascade Institute

is a Canadian research centre addressing the full range of humanity’s converging environmental, economic, political, and technological crises. Using advanced methods for mapping and modeling complex global systems, Institute researchers will identify, and where possible help implement, high-leverage interventions that could rapidly shift humanity’s course towards fair and sustainable prosperity.

The Institute is located at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, a leader in training professionals to apply creative solutions to entrenched problems. Its director is Thomas Homer-Dixon, an award-winning scholar and author with deep experience in using complexity science to anticipate, analyze, and respond to global threats.

Image courtesy of

Nafeez Ahmed

Nafeez Ahmed hosted by Michael Lerner

A framework by which we can understand and respond to the COVID-19 crisis while anticipating its consequences and preparing for what’s next.